The Features tool allows you to create a variety of forms to embellish your design. Unlike Buildings and Zones, Features do no get quantified in reports.
Create Feature
Creating a Feature follows the same principles as all other items: switch to the Feature tool, then when you draw a series of strokes the Feature will be created based on the default settings.
A Feature is positioned vertically based on the top of the Feature with the height or thickness of the Slab extending downwards.
Note: It is useful to use the Show Above and Below settings when working with Features.
Edit Feature
Feature editing is similar to other Tools. With a selected Feature you can make a variety of changes via the Settings.
These settings allow a Feature to be positions freely or Datum Linked.
Shape editing
With the Feature tool selected you can use the Interactive editing to make changes to the Feature outline just by drawing strokes that cut, extend and curve the different edges.
Selecting a Slab allows you to also use the Sketch and Vector based editors if you want to make more precise changes.
Link to Building Datum's
If your Feature overlapped a Building at the time it was created, the Feature will have been linked to the closet Building Datum. This means if the Building datum's change, the Feature position will respond accordingly.
In some cases your Feature won't overlap a Building but you want to ensure it updates in-sync with a Building. To do this select the Feature, open the Settings, and link to the required Building and Datum's.
You can read more about Datum linking here.
Feature Edges
Feature edges can be profiled via the Settings dialog, providing different edge shapes: