Show the Levels palette if it is currently hidden,
Select the item you wish to edit, then either:
- Drag the Datum you wish to edit
- Double-tap the Datum and enter the specific Value
When you are editing a Building the following rules apply for the different Datums
Base Datum: Changing the Datum at the bottom will raise/lower the entire Building
Roof Datum: Changing the Top Datum will increase/decrease the overall height of the Building and Levels will be automatically added (or removed) as required.
Level Datum: Changing a Datum that controls a Level will increase/decrease the position of that Datum, all Levels above will move up or down accordingly, and the overall floor-to-floor height of the Storey below the Datum will increase / decrease.
For example increasing the elevation of the Level 1 datum will increase the floor-to-floor height of Level 0.